Recently brought few books on India to show my daughter pictures of it. Common thread of all books on India is One of the oldest civilizations, its past riches, Aryan advent, They brought rich knowledge Vedas and Sanskrit, Numerous invasions, Freedom.
This has been a quite a debate for years - I donot want to dive in and describe about, could go numeruous pages, on racial bias of historians. Primarily to defeat the India by depriving of its rich culture to some nomads from Europe or wherever, which inspite of political surrender did not even deter for its superior and rich culture. Invasions for centureies could not achieve and hence started this version of hi"STORY".
Still wanted to point few Facts. Aryans supposedly entered 1500-1200 BCE. Aryans brought Vedas from foriegn land.
. Why there are no glimpses of homelands for aryans beyond INDIA ?
. No Statment of invasion in any Vedas which is said to be written by aryans later
. Saraswati river archieologically dried around 1900BCE and Rig Veda stats about it and based on it , it is dated as 3000 B.CE
. Harappa coins showing OM, Swastika etc symbols which are omnipresent in Vedas and Epics
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. -Eleanor Roosevelt"
So not to bog down by these irritants and discuss on events or people lets discuss ideas and principles behing Indian (Hindu) culture. Qwest has always been What are the core duties of HINDU.
Hinduism scripts are vast and tough to decipher by common man. I think it is designed to be that way so that numerous invasions could rob the riches (material) but not the source of it. Invaders too could not decipher the source of the wealth and maturity of the Individuals in India and thier frsutration is shown in destroying these scripts. Scripts are created to be understood by only those who attain some level of maturity (Spirtually).
Lets get into Ideas not dwelling into events and people again :-)
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